National Do Not Call Registry

Stop unwanted calls to you.

The National Do Not Call Registry gives you a choice about whether to receive telemarketing calls at home. Most telemarketers should not call your number once it has been on the registry for 31 days. If they do, you can file a complaint at this Website. You can register your home or mobile phone for free. Your registration will be effective for five years.

Why would I register my phone number with the National Do Not Call Registry?

The National Do Not Call Registry gives you an opportunity to limit the telemarketing calls you receive. Once you register your phone number, telemarketers covered by the National Do Not Call Registry have up to 31 days from the date you register to stop calling you.

How Does Registration Work?

Telemarketers covered by the National Do Not Call Registry have up to 31 days from the date you register to stop calling you. After you register, your phone number will show up on the registry by the next day. Telemarketers have up to 31 days to get your phone number and remove it from their call lists. You can delete your phone number only by calling toll-free 1-888-382-1222 from the telephone number you want to delete. After you contact the registry to delete it, it will be removed from the National Do Not Call Registry by the next day. But telemarketers have up to 31 days to access information about your deletion and add your number back to their call lists, if they choose to.

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Anonymous November 2, 2007 at 4:33 AM  

A free—acts as a filter to prevent telemarketers from getting unfiltered access to consumers.

The website deals with a pretty straightforward problem—most consumers don’t like telemarketers trying to sell them products that the consumer doesn’t want. But with $700 billion worth of items bought over the phone each year, it must be working someplace.

The idea with is that consumers get to choose who contacts them. Plus, consumers can change their choices anytime. If I am in need of siding, I can add that to my list. After I buy siding, I get to remove it. is a free service. Consumers go to the website and register or re-register for the Do Not Call List. Then, the consumer is given options of more than 350 unique areas of interest from which to select. They then choose the days and times they will allow those calls to be made. They can further choose to be contacted via email or direct mail.

Through the site, consumers can also find guidance for alleviating Internet spam and junk mail. If you sign and request to receive zero marketing calls then you will not get calls. was conceived in response to requests made by consumers. In August 2004, founder and CEO, Shawn Rohrer, began the process of interviewing and collecting data from consumers.

The premise for the business is fairly straightforward: people won’t buy things over the phone that they don’t want. allows its members to specify their unique areas of interest and the firm commits not to contact them about anything other than the things they’ve specified.

While it is almost impossible to stay invisible to telemarketing efforts, this probably gets you close. I like to think of this as a spam filter for the phone. The service may protect consumers--especially the elderly. Statistics provided by the department of justice show that the elderly are unfortunate targets of dishonest marketers. While people over the age of 65 constitute 12% of the population, they make up 30% of the total number of fraud victims. Congress estimated that consumers lose more than $4 billion dollars annually to telemarketing fraud. And AARP estimates that almost 50% of these victims were over the age of 60.

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